Cover – Protection from weather
White cover protects the fan and electric switch from the weather. Top of cover has cover around the pipe to help seal out water.
Sump – Lid Brace
Brace on vent line into the sump to satisfy code Pipe clamped to wall in two locations as required.
Sump – Lid cover with windows
Some lids need to be a little high to cover over pipes. Has a window for minor service.
Sump – Minor repairs
Removable sight glass for minor repairs and test the floats. Rubber clamp on the pipe so radon pipe can be removed easy during sump repairs.
Sump – Removable lid inspection
Flat lid with removable inspection port. Rubber clamp to separate pipe when service to the sump is needed. Pipe clamped to wall meeting code.
Sump – Sealed
Numerous pipes coming out of the sump need to be sealed so radon system can pull a vacuum.